Links and resources

If you know of other good (free) sources of images, movies or erotic stories with a bear theme, please let me know!

Bearporn - (requires registration - which is free) - primary bears, but a few daddies in between - ordered by category

SilverDaddies - another site by me with the same 'website engine' as this one, but targeted toward mature and young men who wish to meet

You might find a bear or chaser if you create a profile - select 'New profile' in the menu to the left
Letzte Logins
BearButt-Tattoo Profil hat Foto Profil hat Galerie
71 Jahre - FL, United States
NHTurkBear Profil hat Foto Profil hat Galerie
67 Jahre - NH, United States
Loverofcock Profil hat Galerie
63 Jahre - OH, United States
BB bottom Bear Profil hat Foto Profil hat Galerie
49 Jahre - United Kingdom
69 Jahre - OH, United States
Hulrich Profil hat Foto Profil hat Galerie
68 Jahre - Italy
joey t
66 Jahre - CT, United States

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