Links and resources

If you know of other good (free) sources of images, movies or erotic stories with a bear theme, please let me know!

Bearporn - (requires registration - which is free) - primary bears, but a few daddies in between - ordered by category

SilverDaddies - another site by me with the same 'website engine' as this one, but targeted toward mature and young men who wish to meet

By supporting the site you can help the continuation of the site and get access to premium features
Dernières connexions
BearButt-Tattoo Ce profile dispose d'une image Ce profil dispose d'une galerie photo
âge 71 - FL, United States
NHTurkBear Ce profile dispose d'une image Ce profil dispose d'une galerie photo
âge 67 - NH, United States
Loverofcock Ce profil dispose d'une galerie photo
âge 63 - OH, United States
BB bottom Bear Ce profile dispose d'une image Ce profil dispose d'une galerie photo
âge 49 - United Kingdom
âge 69 - OH, United States
Hulrich Ce profile dispose d'une image Ce profil dispose d'une galerie photo
âge 68 - Italy
joey t
âge 66 - CT, United States

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