Links and resources

If you know of other good (free) sources of images, movies or erotic stories with a bear theme, please let me know!

Bearporn - (requires registration - which is free) - primary bears, but a few daddies in between - ordered by category

SilverDaddies - another site by me with the same 'website engine' as this one, but targeted toward mature and young men who wish to meet

If you create a profile you can contact other users and you can let them contact you!
Ultimos conectados
ru2bz4me perfil tiene foto perfil tiene galería
edad 62 - CA, United States
Joey perfil tiene galería
edad 60 - Thailand
Indian-slv perfil tiene foto
edad 53 - India
Ray Barton
edad 58 - IN, United States
littlechap37 perfil tiene foto perfil tiene galería
edad 87 - Australia
edad 72 - FL, United States
John O'Connor perfil tiene foto perfil tiene galería perfil tiene video
edad 62 - Ireland

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